Anna (on right)

Anna (on right)

Last week we had the pleasure of hosting Julie Finkelstein of the Foundation for Jewish Camp, Jeremy Moskowitz from Hillel International, and Magda Dorosz from Hillel in Warsaw, Poland. Joining them was Rich Biller, whose guidance and generosity helped us bring four amazing Jewish young adults from Poland, Hungary, and Germany to be a part of our 2018 staff.  With the encouragement of these visitors, we are excited to begin planning for the future of this meaningful exchange program.



Anna Lewandowska, Wojeck Glug, Fruzsina Peto, and David Ederberg have been an amazing addition to our staff this summer.  We asked them to share a bit about themselves and to tell us the highlight of their summer:

Anna – is from Warsaw, Poland, where she attended Jewish elementary school.  She currently is studying Tourism. She has really liked being part of the Omanut (Art) staff this summer.  Her favorite part of camp was seeing her Bogrim campers perform in their musical, Grease!

Wojeck – is also from Warsaw and is studying medicine at the Medical University of Warsaw.  He has enjoyed getting to know the many medical professionals who have worked in the Marp (infirmary) this summer.  

Fruzi (on Right)

Fruzi (on Right)

Fruzsi – Fruzsi is from Budapest, Hungary, and is studying the theory and history of movies and aesthetics at the University of Pecs.  Fruzsina is one of our talented photographers this summer and she has really enjoyed capturing the fun and excitement of camp! The highlight of her summer has been getting to meet Jews from other countries and learning more about Judaism.

David (center)

David (center)

David – David joins us on Halutzim staff from Berlin, Germany, where he just finished high school. David had the opportunity to study at Jewish schools in Berlin.  Both his parents are Conservative rabbis, so he has known about Ramah for a long time. His favorite part of his summer so far has been the first Havdalah with Halutzim.