Interested in Camp?

We’re Here to Help! Have a specific question or want to speak directly with a member of our Ramah Staff? Maybe you have a unique situation or have a special request? Fill in the info below and we will be in touch to help you within 24 hours.

Let’s Chat

We’re always online! Our site has an online chat platform where you can connect with knowledgeable administrative staff year-round.

Chat With Camp Ramah

Send us an email

Please feel free to drop us a line electronically with any questions or concerns you might have.

Are you a current camper family?

Please contact our staff members by clicking below.

Summer Address
3390 Ramah Circle
Conover, WI 54519
(715) 479-4400

Administrative Offices
67 East Madison Street, Suite 1905
Chicago, IL 60603
(312) 606-9316

Contact Us

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