After lunch it’s time for shaat menucha, rest hour. Then at 3:45 campers start an afternoon full of activity. Although many of our aidot have unusual schedules this week–Machon and some members of Tikvah are on their trip around Wisconsin, Bogrim has Shavuah Bogrim–most weeks Perek Hay looks something like this: Atzmayim (Tikvah Vocational Program), 3:45: Nine Atzmayim participants and three Tikvah pre-vocational campers sit together during Perek Hay for social skills group. Already this summer they’ve worked on conversational skills, what it means to be a friend, and what you can learn from others. This upcoming week, they will be talking about social media safety and etiquette. Led by Tikvah Special Projects Coordinator Allie Rosen, Atzmayim social skills group will be looking at a faux-Facebook on butcher-paper news feed. Using post-it notes, participants will be encouraged to “comment” and “like” posts and pictures on the feed. Together they will learn about what is appropriate to post on social media, and how to apply many of the social skills they’ve learned this summer to the world of the internet.
Halutzim (entering 6th grade), 3:49: During shaat menucha, Halutzim changes into their bathing suits, grabs their towels, and heads toward the agam (waterfront) for Perek Hay. Split into different classes, Halutzim learns swimming skills, everything from front crawl to diving. On a hot summer day, every single camper can’t wait to jump into the lake!
Solelim (entering 7th grade), 3:56: Now that their play is over, Solelim uses Perek Hay for peulot tzrif (cabin activities) or peulot banim and banot (boys and girls activities). Last Thursday, the boys spent Perek Hay playing a fun game of roofball, bouncing balls off of the roofs of cabins and trying to catch them. The banot spent the afternoon playing a game of touch football, enjoying the nice weather running across the soccer field.
Shoafim (entering 8th grade), 3:58: Like Solelim, Shoafim has peulat banim and banot now that Frozen is over. The banim have been working diligently on their soon-to-be English rendition of Hercules, what is sure to be a phenomenal and funny show. Each day is different, but last week the banot spent an hour with counselor Caroline Drefuss doing Zumba. They had a great time coming together as a banot and dancing Perek Hay away!
Bogrim (entering 9th grade). 4:05: When it isn’t Shavuah Bogrim, Bogrim spends Perek Hay in tarbut. From omanut (art), to nagarut (woodworking), to musical instrument practice, Bogrim can be found in every corner of camp for tarbut. With the Rikudiyah dance festival coming up next Saturday night, many of our Bogrim campers will begin to learn and practice their very own dance performance!
Machon (entering 10th grade). 4:11: Machon is spread out across the sports courts during Perek Hay. From basketball, to softball, to team sports, Machon is learning valuable skills and enjoying the outdoors.
Tikvah. 4:22: During Perek Hay, Tikvah has sports together with Machon. Campers are often paired up to rotate through a variety of sports options. Machon/Tikvah chaverim (buddies) get to know each other better and have a great time playing softball, basketball, floor hockey, volleyball, ga-ga, etc.
Nivonim (entering 11th grade). 4:28: With their upcoming performance of the musical Hair on Thursday night, Nivonim is hard at work in play practice. They’ve been learning their songs, lines, choreography, and soon will be finalizing their stage direction. The play is sure to be a highlight of the summer!
When Perek Hay is over, campers transition to the final scheduled slot of the afternoon, Perek Vav.