Last night saw the opening of our Ramah Wisconsin musical theatre season as the energetic 8th graders in Shoafim performed their Hebrew version of "Mary Poppins." They have been hard at work since the first week of camp, and their enthusiasm and dedication really showed! With classic songs like "Chim chim cheree," "A Spoonful of Sugar," and "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" the Shoafim campers wowed the rest of camp with their singing and dancing. A full band made up of staff and campers from every aidah accompanied the singers and did a great job adding to the mood of the play. Kol HaKavod to Shoafim campers and staff, director Kayla Bryan and drama staff, and everyone who helped put on a wonderful performance last night!
Leora Allen (Rosh Shoafim): The campers worked so hard and put so much time and effort into their play. They did an amazing job and I'm so proud of them!
David K. and Benjamin K. (Shoafim): We did a great job on the play. It was so much fun!