We are excited to welcome back Hannah as Rosh Agam (Waterfront) for the second summer! This is actually her fourth summer on the shore of Lake Buckatabon–before becoming Rosh Agam last summer, she spent two years on waterfront staff.
Originally from Michigan, Hannah and her family moved to her current home of Highland Park, Illinois when she was 7. She now attends the University of Michigan, where she is studying elementary education, with a major in math and a minor in language arts. She plans to teach kindergarten and is currently Head Lifeguard at the University recreational buildings.
Hannah is no stranger to camp–on top of her four summers on staff, she also spent five summers as a camper and went on Ramah Seminar in Israel. Her favorite thing about camp is Friday night services, which take place not too far from her "day job" on the waterfront. She has a brother in high school and a sister who will be on Atzmayim staff this summer.
Hannah is looking forward to doing lots of fun and exciting things on the waterfront. She loves swimming, but also loves all the fun waterfront activities, like boating around the island, island swims, and the triathlon.
Hannah says, "I'm super excited! I've been thinking about coming back since January. :)"
Lake Buckatabon might be a little too chilly now, but Hannah and her awesome staff will make sure it's ready for us come June!