Last night Machon and Tikvah took us to a tropical island as they performed highlights from "South Pacific," including songs like "Nothing Like a Dame," "Some Enchanted Evening," and "Happy Talk." The two eidot worked together with lots of ruach–you could tell they were all having so much fun on stage and it was so much fun to watch.
Gita (Rosh Machon): I have never seen Machon and Tikvah work so well together and come together as one huge eidah with so much enthusiasm and talent. It was really just a wonderful experience to be a part of.
Kashmir (Rosh Tikvah): The play was spectacular. Everyone really worked together. It was a difficult play, but the numbers were moving and organized and the kids worked together so well–it was great. I was also moved by the fact that Machon and Tikvah were really one eidah last night. They gave each other so much respect and really appreciated each other. It was wonderful.
Shelly (Machon): We had so much fun at our play last night. It was a great success and we hope everyone enjoyed it.
Austin (Tikvah): I think the play last night was really good. My favorite part of the play was singing and dancing and bowing and going up on the stage.
Naomi (Machon): I really loved doing the play last night. I was a dancer and it was fun to dance on stage. I really liked doing "Gonna Wash That Man Right Out of My Hair." It was really fun.
Marissa (Machon): It was such a great feeling to finally be able to perform our show after all the hard work we put into it.
Click here to see videos from the performance on our YouTube Channel!