The problem is this: you find your spiritual home while growing up.
You find the best place and time there – it’s Friday night, down by the lake, with everyone you love. All the cares of the week fall away as you watch the sun set and feel the song rise.
Maybe it’s on Yom Yisrael, when your amazing Israeli counselors create programs, games, opportunities to learn, and of course, fire-writing, tying you to a place you’ve never been but to which you feel such a connection.
Perhaps it’s just being with other Jews, something you can’t get at home.
Or the communal bond you feel when the whole camp is in the Bet Am singing at the Zimriya or dancing on the Kikar.
Or when you’ve created a piece of Judaica for your family to use at home.
Or when you dip your paddle quietly into a silvery lake and feel the awesome presence of the Divine.
So that’s the “problem”. You spend pretty much the rest of your life trying to replicate the incredible Jewish experiences of your youth. Ramah creates that kind of seeking. Its alumni are leaders who are driven to bring that same sense of Jewish identity and connection and spirituality to their communities.
I feel so fortunate that my parents chose to send me to Ramah. I was then on staff for five years and got to observe close-up how impactful those summers can be. Later, I was privileged to watch my children Nava, Eitan, and Noam blossom into passionate, informed, active young Jews as campers and staff leaders. Today, wherever they live, they are each using skills, knowledge, and networks from camp to develop creative, soulful Jewish experiences in their communities.
In gratitude for all of this, I have chosen to make a provision for Ramah in my will to help provide an outstanding camp experience for the future leaders of our Jewish world.
Thank you, Camp Ramah!
Lynnsie Balk Kantor