Sooner or later, almost everyone in camp has some interaction with the Visual Arts department–whether you take omanut (art) or nagarut (woodworking) as one of your activities, tie dye t-shirts as part of a peulat tzrif (cabin activity), paint benches for a campwide project, or help paint scenery for a play. There are so many ways to get involved with art at camp!
Overseeing Visual Arts this summer is Donielle Lavintman, otherwise known as Doni (a nickname she picked up in Halutzim). She graduated from Brandeis University in 2009 with a dual degree in anthropology and studio art, and has most recently been working on her master's in art therapy at New York University. (She's actually graduating this week, so a big Mazel Tov to Doni!)
Doni says, "I am very excited to be returning to camp, and I am thrilled to be working so closely with such a wonderful staff this summer. See you all soon!"