On Friday, campers in our Tikvah program and their Machon (entering 10th grade) chaverim (friends), presented the Tikvah Arts Festival, a culmination of four weeks of study, planning, writing and rehearsal. Based on Tikvah’s summer theme “V’ha’ikar Lo L’facheid K’lal—And the essence is not to fear at all,” the campers presented works of drama, visual art and dance. The campers and staff worked together for the first part of the summer in each of the areas to create the Festival.


Campers in Bogrim, Machon and Nivonim (entering grades 8-11) and staff members enjoyed the “lunch theater" performances.  The format is a fun, low-pressure way for our Tikvah campers to present the products of their hard work.   It was a great event – Kol HaKavod to everyone involved!  


Click here to see the performance of the dance from the Tikvah Arts Festival.
