IMG_5096 Kochavim is Ramah Wisconsin's newest aidah! This summer there will be two 12-day Kochavim sessions for entering fourth graders. During the Kochavim session, campers get a true taste of what Ramah is like. They go swimming, create arts and crafts, try out sports and the ropes courses, take Hebrew classes and participate in tefillot–not to mention, they also make lifelong friendships and have lots of fun!

It's hard to believe that the Kochavim A campers will already be going home on Monday. We will miss them, but we're looking forward to welcoming our Kochavim B campers!

6.21 2 (1) Shayna (Rosh Kochavim): My favorite thing about working with Kochavim is their energy, excitement about everything that they do, and the love that they have for people here and for camp.

Gabrielle (Kochavim): What I like about Kochavim is that all the older kids and the counselors are super nice to us because it’s our first year. It’s also really fun because we get to do special things since we’re the youngest.

Yakov (Kochavim): I like Kochavim because it's the first year I got to go to sleep away camp and it's really special for me. I'm really excited because I get to jump on the Blob in the lake.

6.15 (18) Marisa (Kochavim): I like Kochavim because you get to meet new people and learn about all the places in camp.

Rachel (Kochavim): The thing I like about Kochavim is that on Fridays we get to make cookies to have on Shabbat. And we get to have special candies!

Ilana (Kochavim): What I like about Kochavim is getting to have the experience to see what Ramah looks like.

Deena (SC, Kochavim): What I love about Kochavim is my campers and the fact that I get to show them the best of what camp has to offer.