In contrast to the former Tikvah program, a separate eidah (group) serving campers with special needs, we’ve adopted a more shiluv (inclusive) model investing in additional support for campers with higher support needs so they can receive the proper scaffolding of support.
This includes increased staff training around camper related skills and incorporating the idea of universal design, using modifications that can benefit all campers with different learning styles and support level needs. For some tzrifim (cabins) we’ve hired additional counselors and for others we’ve adjusted the ratio of tzevet (staff) to chanichim (campers) to help them be successful, enjoy their day, and live the magic of camp.
We have inclusion specialists who work with families throughout the year to develop things unique to some kids with higher support needs. We also have trained yoatzot (social workers) and educators from the U.S. and Israel who are there not only there to support and train the staff and step in when needed, but even more so to model for the counselors how to do camper care.
Pictured is the Beit Roga (House of Calm) Community Care Center for both staff and campers to utilize whenever they need a quiet moment.