If you stop by the camp library during the day, you'll get the chance to see and experience intense Jewish learning with the Kollel and in the Beit Midrash. Leading the Kollel again this summer is Will Friedman. Will is an adjunct instructor of Talmud and Hebrew Grammar at JTS, where he also directs the Eisenfeld/Duker Beit Midrash. He has studied at The Conservative Yeshiva, Yeshivat Chovevei Torah, and the Pardes Kollel, and is working towards semikha (rabbinic ordination) from Rabbi Daniel Landes, also a Ramah Wisconsin alum. He realizes that he might soon start to qualify for camp veteran status, with this about to be his fifth summer at Ramah Wisconsin. He is excited to welcome 4 amazing new Kollel participants and to celebrate the program's 11th summer at camp!