This past summer, as part of a creative writing workshop, we invited campers to explore themes related to Passover.  The pilot project, led by Ramah Wisconsin alumna Deanna Neil (Nivonim 1997), included campers from every aidah and was a wild success.  Deanna shared her own fantastic energy, her love of camp and her talents as a Jewish educator, inspiring campers to express themselves through a variety of literary genres.  From Haiku to short story to letters, campers created beautiful commentary of their own on the story of the Exodus.  Below, you will find our first ever Kikar Magazine: a Literary Journal for Camp Ramah in Wisconsin , which we hope will provide you with additional material and inspiration for your Seder.

Download Kikar Magazine, Issue 1

We hope you enjoy the Passover supplement and invite you to share your reactions with us via e-mail at or in the comments below.  You can learn more about Deanna Neil and her variety of work, not to mention her award-winning children's books, at  We look forward to welcoming Deanna back to camp for the 2012 season.
חג כשר ושמח