7.31 (280) We were very lucky this week to have our first set of father-son doctors working at camp together! Dr. Harvey Barash was a doctor here when his children were campers from the mid-1970s to the mid-1980s. Dr. Josh Barash was a doctor here last summer when his oldest son started Garinim. After having such a great time last summer, Dr. Josh convinced his dad to return to Ramah as a camp doctor.

Both doctors agree that the best part about being here together is just being able to have the family together because they do not live near each other. They're also having fun working together. Dr. Harvey is an orthopedic surgeon and Dr. Josh is a family practitioner, so they each have their specialties and get to help each other out when they have questions.

Dr. Josh said it's like a dream for him to be able to work with his dad and to be able to work together at Ramah because Ramah was so important to him as a camper. "To have Ramah bring us together to work side by side as partners is pretty amazing."