Mindy and Dan Ribnick Family Tuition Grant
Thanks to the generosity of Ramah Wisconsin alumni parents Mindy and Dan Ribnick (Nivonim 1978), we are pleased to offer a new tuition grant program for campers or parents who volunteer in the Jewish community, including synagogues, schools, and other Jewish organizations.
The Mindy and Dan Ribnick Family Tuition Grant Program for Community Volunteers makes possible grants of 18% (chai) of tuition for approximately four Ramah campers per season. Any parent or guardian of a new or returning camper(s) for the 2025 season is invited to submit an application describing their current Jewish community volunteer role and involvement.
Awards are guaranteed for one camp season only.
Applications must be completed and submitted by April 1 to be considered for the coming grant cycle. One application will be accepted per family. Only one camper per family is eligible to receive the award in a single season. Awards will be credited towards tuition owed for the 2025 season.
Please note that Ramah Board members and Ramah year-round staff are not eligible for this tuition grant program.
How to Apply in Two Easy Steps
Step 1.
Fill out an online application below.
Step 2.
Please ask a professional supervisor at the organization where you volunteer to submit a paragraph describing your role and accomplishments. Please have this individual email the paragraph to randerson@ramahwisconsin.com by April 15.