Camp Ramah in Wisconsin never takes its treasured staff, campers, and programs for granted, and so it is with great fanfare that we welcome back Jon Adam Ross (a.k.a. JAR) for his twelfth (yeah – you read that right) summer on staff in the performing arts. The highlight of JAR's year was marrying Jennifer Pehr on an unseasonably chilly weekend in Houston in January – the New York Times even wrote about it!
This year JAR has continued his work on the cutting edge of Jewish theatre performing, directing, and leading workshops in Minneapolis, Boston, Chicago, Washington, Toronto, and many other places. After all these years of working at camp, JAR often asks himself “why haven't I tried something new?” His answer – in addition to his love for the performing arts – is that he refuses to put his head under the water while swimming very slowly around the islands; was banned from the sports fields as a camper because a number of Rosh Sports deemed him a danger to himself, other campers, and the equipment; and being in nature makes him sneeze.
JAR is very excited about the new enhancements to the song leading program this summer – especially the brand new songs written by Brian Gelfand and Josh Warshawsky that will have their world premier at the 2010 Zimriyah Song Festival!
Married life is not the only change in JAR’s life this year; he has adapted a new habit – eating vegetables regularly. After years of refusing to eat his greens, he notes “vegetables are not that bad. But I still prefer cookies to carrots.” JAR looks forward to seeing everyone in the chatif (snack) line and promises to make appearances, at least on occasion, at the salad bars in all three dining halls!