On the evening of April 10, over 70 people–campers, staff, alumni and clergy from three synagogues–gathered together for a special Ramah event in the Twin Cities: Dinner and Improv Games with Jonathan Adam Ross, who is Head of Peforming Arts at camp (and affectionately known as JAR). It was great to see some potential new camper families there too! The evening began with Seudah Shlishit Ramah style. Then Emilee, Sophie, and SaraRosa (all Solelim 2010 campers) led Havdalah beautifully to the tune of "Imagine." After that JAR led everyone in some great theater games. We acted out characters from the Torah and acted out a day in the life of a Ramah camper too. Everyone had a great time! The event gave parents, grandparents and people new to Ramah a chance to experience the magic of camp and meet our incredible director of performing arts. The evening ended with everyone together for a traditional camp rad hayom (friendship) circle.