On Sunday, October, 30, 80 people from the North Suburban Synagogue Beth El community came together to celebrate Ramah: Camp Ramah in Wisconsin and Ramah Day Camp. There were current staff, alumni, veteran campers and families, and even prospective families gathered together celebrating, reminiscing and wishing it was already summer. While the parents shared memories, asked questions, and spoke with Rabbi Sykes, Director of Camp Ramah in Wisconsin, and Lori Stark, Director of Ramah Day Camp, the kids were busy playing at ‘camp.’ There was a moon bounce, basketball game, knock hockey, omanut (art) station, gaga pit, and more. The kids reconnected with old camp friends and met new prospective campers all while bouncing from one activity to the next. The evening was topped off by pizza and a make your own sundae station. People did not want to leave the warm, energetic Ramah environment, but when it was finally time to go, there was a sense of excitement and anticipation for the summer to already begin. The evening was a blast!