Kayitz 2019 will be my 11th summer at camp, my 4th on tzevet, and 2nd as Rosh Mitbachon. I am from Minneapolis and I recently graduated from Brandeis University in May 2018. I spent this past August-November traveling in Italy, working on three organic farms and learning about Italian culinary culture including cheese & wine production. Outside of camp, I am a baker, focused specifically on breads, and am currently working at a bakery in Minneapolis.
What’s your favorite thing about camp?
My favorite part of camp would be the amazing new people I get to meet every summer I go back, who have become my best friends, college roommates, and people I travel across the world to see.
What’s your favorite meal at camp?
Pierogi night!
What are you most looking forward to this summer?
This kayitz, my goal is to incorporate the culinary traditions of our entire community into the mitbachon: we will do so by bringing staff from all areas of camp with diverse backgrounds into the mitbachon to teach their family recipes, as well as provide opportunities for campers to introduce their own family recipes to their friends through special programs.
What’s something new happening in the kitchen this summer?
I am excited to announce that we will experiment with a garden-to-table mitbachon program in our Pit Garden this kayitz, which I hope will provide campers an opportunity to grow their own produce and cook with seasonal fresh ingredients that they harvest themselves.