Meet Our Tzevet: Raphy GendlerBackground: I am from Minneapolis, MN and was a camper for 7 summers. I was a junior counselor for Garinim and Kochavim this past summer. I am currently a freshman at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY.
Favorite camp event and why: I enjoy the musicals because it is wonderful to see an eidah perform something amazing for the whole camp, especially in Hebrew. One of my favorite parts of the plays is the camp-wide singing of himnon Ramah at the end.
Skill or life lesson learned at camp that has been useful at home: It is possible to make a real, lasting impact on someone. I was lucky to have many counselors who inspired me and realized I had the opportunity to hopefully have a similar effect on my campers. As an older camper and staff member, I came to realize that Ramah is one of a few places where an 18 or 19 year old can have such a meaningful impact.
One thing you couldn’t live without: Ice cream sandwiches for dessert on motzei Shabbat.
One thing about you that may surprise us: I discovered a frisbee golf course in Eagle River. It’s not quite as great as the camp course featuring Lake Buckatabon as a water hazard, but it’s still fun.
Camp is…. The primary builder of Jewish identity and the place that allows me and my peers to grow up in a community of committed, involved people.
One hope or wish for 5778: Warm weather in both the Northwoods of Wisconsin and the Finger Lakes region of New York