by Jacob Levy, Halutzim Senior Counselor


With the flip of the light switch it’s a new day in Tzrif 1-C!  A typical morning in our tzrif (cabin) on the surface might seem pretty mundane.  We wake up, go to tefillah (morning prayer – where many of our campers are active participants and leaders), eat breakfast, and clean up the tzrif during nikayon.  At first glance this might seem pretty normal, but with a closer look you’ll see it is nothing mundane.  The first (and probably most important) part of why living in our tzrif is so special is because of our chanichim (campers).  We are incredibly fortunate that our chanichim are both kind and energetic.  Every day we see so many examples of this kindness.  For example they not only get their tzrif-mates involved in cabin activities like games of seven seconds, kan jam, etc., but also involve the Kochavim campers who live in connecting cabins.  In addition to their incredible kindness, our campers are always super energetic when it comes to doing cabin activities.

Some highlights from our amazing summer include:


  • Memory Board: With all of these amazing peulot happening so fast it was really important for us that our chanichim were remembering the awesome moments of their summer. So on one of the walls of our tzrif we posted not only pictures of the summer but also slips of paper listing the peulot that we had done over the past few weeks.  In addition, campers personalized the board by posting their favorite memory as well as something that they are thankful for at camp.

Most of all – we are thankful to be a part of the awesome group of campers and counselors that make up Tzrif 1-C!

The picture of our cabin would not be complete without a word from our campers.  So, below is a snapshot of life in our cabin as told by Jesse:

What are some of your favorite things about Tzrif 1-C?

I really like how much we play together.  Whenever we are bored we always have each other to play with.  Whether it’s basketball or cards we are always playing with each other.

What was your favorite peulat tzrif and why?

My favorite cabin activity was eating breakfast on the island because it was an unexpected but fun activity.  It was also a meaningful activity because we had t’fillah together on the island.

What is one of your favorite memories from the tzrif?

My favorite memory from the tzrif was when we drafted our teams for our fantasy baseball league.  I liked it because everyone was really excited and we were all really happy and everyone was having a good time together!

Anything else you want to add?

Every peulat tzrif we have done really has shown when we work together as a tzrif we can accomplish anything!