Shalom Solelim 2017, My name is Jonah Harris and I am very excited to be your Rosh Solelim this summer! As Solelimers, you finally get to spend all eight weeks at camp. During your full summer, you’ll be able to do new things such as an eidah play (The Wizard of Oz, which I also performed in Solelim 2005!) and trying out new tarbuyot (activities) such as nagarut (woodworking).
Speaking of nagarut, I was Rosh Nagarut for three of the five summers I spent on staff. I have been going to camp since 1999 – before you were born! I graduated from Tufts University in 2015, where I studied civil engineering, was president of Hillel, and announced for the women’s basketball team. For the past two years, I lived and worked in Chicago as a structural engineer (which basically means I make sure things don’t fall down). This past fall, I watched as my beloved hometown Chicago Cubs began a new era and finally won the World Series. After camp, I am moving to New York where I will start my master’s in structural engineering at Columbia University.
This summer, you can all follow me on the yellow brick road where we can…
- find your heart by making new friends in your tzrif (cabin) and being inclusive
- find your courage by trying something new
- find your brain in meaningful conversations on the kikar
- and make camp your home, because there’s no place like it
Have a great end of the school year, I’m looking forward to seeing you all at our home away from home, Camp Ramah!
B’shalom, Jonah Harris