by Roey Elimelech, Rosh Ropes Each cabin enjoys a day at the ropes course, an experience that brings a cabin together through fun, challenges and teamwork. Typically a cabin group starts out on the soccer field playing name games together. From the soccer field, we go through the tunnel under Buckatabon Road to the low ropes course to work on our communication, problem solving, and teamwork skills. One challenge is for the entire cabin to stand on the see-saw and balance it. They can only be successful if they cooperate and listen to each other! After everyone successfully completes the low elements we walk to the high ropes course together.
This is the highlight of the day, an eleven-element high ropes course that includes a quad of six different elements all between 25 and 40 feet off the ground. We also have a 40-foot climbing wall with a zip line off the top of it. Some groups spend a lot of time on the climbing wall, others like the high ropes challenges and everyone enjoys the zip line. Some campers need encouragement to try the higher elements, and as we all encourage them to do their best the entire cabin builds more trust together as a community.
When campers leave the ropes course they return to camp as a more cohesive and tight-knit community, something that Ramah is known for.