As a camp community we recognize the importance of bal tashchit, the mitzvah that encourages us to respect and protect our environment. Here are a few ways we are environmentally friendly at camp: We recycle paper, cans, glass and cardboard.
We use CFL, LED and T-8 lighting across camp; most of our outdoor lights are on dusk to dawn timers.
Some lumber used in new building construction and woodworking is harvested from trees cut down on camp property.
We only offer non-motorized water sports, minimizing our impact on Lake Buckatabon.
We order in bulk to minimize packaging waste.
We compost all food waste from the kitchen.
We use a pre-wash dish washing system that minimizes use of water, using only 10 gallons of water each time we wash dishes.
We use bulk cereal boxes instead of individual-serve bowls.
We use reusable plastic cups instead of paper cups in the dining hall and staff lounge—saving over 100,000 cups each summer –and minimizing use of paper products.
We use more online forms and communications to save paper.
We plant trees on camp property to maximize natural shade.
Our beautiful Northwoods setting is the perfect place to learn more about this important mitzvah!