Known to his friends as “Human Shazam,” Liraz is originally from Kfar Saba, Israel. He currently lives in Rockland County, New York, where he is working at the Jewish Federation of Rockland County as their community shaliach. Last year he was a counselor for Tichon Ramah Yerushalayim, Ramah’s high school semester in Israel program.
Liraz’s favorite part of camp is on Friday night “when everything goes off (including the radio).” To him, having the whole camp community gathered by the lake for Kabbalat Shabbat is the best moment of each week.
Liraz says that this summer, our radio station WRMH is going to be full of surprises. He is excited about the weekly “Tikvah Time” radio shows and the Machon (entering 10th grade) Intensive project. He’s also looking forward to other new projects at camp that revolve around Israeli culture.
When you’re at camp, be sure to tune into 89.3 FM to hear what Liraz has in store for us. For those not at camp, watch our blog for details about streaming the radio station this summer.