
Shalom Nivonim 2016!! DSC_3042

My name is Aviva Schwartz and I am so incredibly excited to be Rosh Nivonim this summer!!

I am really excited to be back for my 10th summer at Camp Ramah in Wisconsin and am honored to participate in Nivonim 2016’s incredible journey! This will be my 7th summer on staff, my 3rd as a Rosh Aidah, and my 2nd summer as Rosh Nivonim. I graduated in 2015 from Clark University studying International Development and Social Change. Currently, I am wrapping up a Graduate Program at Clark University, in Worcester, MA where I have been studying Community Development and Planning.

But enough about me, there are so many incredible happenings to look forward to during your Nivo summer!

Here are the 16 reasons why you should be as pumped as I am for Nivonim 2016:

1)    Helloooo you’re in Nivo! You are the oldest campers in camp!

2)    Your chaverim! There are so many friends and relationships to continue this summer and new friendships waiting to begin.

3)    CIT LIFE. Bond with each other through working with Chanichim (campers), other tzevet (staff),  and facilitate programs for them. This is such a great way to give back to the amazing tzevet you have had over the years.

4)    Nivonim Regalia- more information to come!

5)    Your tzevet!! We’re ready and pumped up to run programs for you! We want to help make your dreams come true! This is your summer so help us make it happen!

6)    A whole Kayitz together! Camping Trip as a whole Aidah and three day canoe trips!

7)    Ever wondered what it feels like to eat in Chadar Gimel? Well now’s your chance! And sit next to someone new each day of the Kayitz!

8)    Conover Wisconsin, the beauty, the lake, the environment, we will experience it all!

9)    The Machazemer- lets sing and dance our way to Broadway!

10) Hashtags on hashtags. I’m still learning the hip new ways to communicate and am jazzed about ya’ll teaching me how to speak.

11)  Resume building: You’ll have employment experience at camp and opportunities to beef up your resume through the many leadership and skill learning opportunities that we will have. (Don’t worry, you can still meat up your resume as a vegetarian….that’s what I did!)

12) Living in the old cabins on the Givah. Planning is underway to construct a new Givah very soon.  Ya’ll could be the last ones to live in these Nivo cabins, and let’s be honest who gets to say that???

13)  Yom Sport– a chance to lead camp and show everyone how much Ruach we have!

14)  A chance to have internships all around camp, or even work on the Nivo English Play!

15)  A summer free from technology- don’t bring your phone!

16) ________________ This one is left blank for each of you to fill it out. This is your summer and I am so excited for you to take ownership over your experience! Set your own goals! What are you most excited for?!

For real, I look forward to getting to know all of you in just a few weeks and encourage you to reach out with any ideas, wishes, desires, or questions. Remember, the more invested you are in creating your Nivo summer, the more powerful and incredible the experience will be.

Yours Truly, Aviva