Lea Wohl Segal is joining us for her second summer on staff as Rosh Hinuch to coordinate our educational program. She served for ten years as Rosh Ivrit (Head of Hebrew language instruction) for Ramah Programs in Israel, including Tichon Ramah Yerushalayim and Ramah Seminar.
Born and raised in Tel Aviv, Lea received an MA in Jewish Educational Leadership from the Schechter Institute and the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.
Lea lives in Herzliya with her husband Reuven and their children Ye’ela (Solelim) and Yehuda (Kochavim). Lea taught Hebrew and Hebrew literature at the Hebrew University’s Rothberg International School, and currently teaches Hebrew to students at the Beit Zvi theatre school, the Academy of Theatre Arts in Tel Aviv, and is in charge of Jewish education for the staff and students at a youth village in Herzliya.
During her years at Ramah Programs in Israel, she visited the camps in North America and fell in love with Ramah Wisconsin, She dreamed that one day she would be able to come back to Ramah Wisconsin with her children…and last summer her dream came true. Lea wants to continue the beautiful tradition of Hebrew and Jewish studies in the camp and hopes they will continue to be a highlight of the special Ramah atmosphere!!