Shalom Bogrim 2016,
I am so thrilled to be your Rosh Bogrim this year. There are so many adventures coming our way and I want to share a few with you to get you pumped for the summer. But first, here is a bit about myself.
While all of you have been working hard in 8th grade gearing up for high school, I have spent most of this year learning the delicate art of stacking plates and memorizing how to say things like toothpick and garnish in Hebrew. Maybe you guessed it–I work as a waitress in Tel Aviv. In August, I took the plunge and officially became a citizen of the State of Israel. Though I currently reside in the Middle East, I am a proud native of Madison, Wisconsin. No, I have never been a big fan of cheese. I graduated from Washington University in St. Louis in the spring of 2014 where I studied Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Theater, and Spanish. I acted and directed throughout college, even studied theater for half a year in Santiago, Chile, and have continued acting and writing in Israel. Following camp, I plan on returning to Israel and applying to PhD programs.
I can’t wait to come back to Ramah Wisconsin for my 11th summer. After being a camper for six summers, I was a counselor for three, and then Rosh Solelim last summer. I never had the chance to be on Bogrim staff, so this is my first opportunity to be a part of the Bogrim experience. It is going to be amazing! This will be your first summer in a new dining hall (Chadar Ochel Bet) and you will take on all kinds of exciting responsibilities. On top of the fun things such as preparing for your machazemer (Broadway musical) and zimriyah (song festival), you will also be presented with a number of new opportunities. In your swimming classes you will choreograph pieces for a synchronized swimming competition at the end of the summer. In addition, we will have a lot of fun during Shavua Bogrim. We have a whole week dedicated to our aidah during the time Machon is on their trip. A variety of artists and professionals will visit camp during this week. You will have the chance to choose a professional to work with intensively on a project each day. At the end of the week, you will come away with something to share with the rest of your aidah and the greater camp community. These are just a few of the fun things in store for this summer!
I am busy preparing to make this the best summer, but I know it is each of YOU that will make this summer amazing. The summer will be here before you know it and I cannot wait to get to know you. See you on the Kikar!
Your rosh, Louisa