
We’re packing for camp and have crossed everything off our list, but what if we still forgot something? We do keep some supplies—like toothbrushes, sunscreen, etc.—in our infirmary in case someone needs something. For bigger things, you can send a package to your camper. Campers love getting packages no matter what’s in them  – but please do not send any food!

All mail should go to: Camper Name Bunk # Camp Ramah in Wisconsin 6150 E. Buckatabon Road Conover, WI 54519 

I see a lot of Hebrew words on the camp website and in emails. My camper does not speak fluent Hebrew. What will she do?

Don’t worry! Your camper will soon be using Hebrew words every day without even thinking about it. Once your camper gets to camp, his or her counselors and bunkmates will help out with the translations. In the meantime, check out our glossary of Hebrew words commonly used at camp here.

This is my child’s first summer at camp and he doesn’t know anyone. What will he do?

As soon as your child arrives to the drop-off site (or Midway Airport, for those who are flying), our friendly Ramah staff will do everything they can to make your child comfortable. They’ll introduce people, play games on the bus, show movies and more. The bus ride is the first part of the Ramah experience, and our counselors want to make a good first impression!

Once the buses arrive at camp, the counselors will greet their campers in the parking lot and help them  find their luggage. The counselors will show the campers to the cabins, help unpack, and introduce everyone in the cabin. The campers spend the whole first day getting settled, playing ice-breaker games, and getting to know their new summer home.

How do we know our camper arrived safely at camp?

As each bus arrives, we will send an email to the parents of the campers on that bus.  We expect the Twin Cities and Chicago Suburbs buses to arrive early afternoon and the Midway buses to arrive later in the afternoon (as long as there are no flight delays).  In the evening we will post photos in CampMinder. Click here to see instructions on how to view photos in your CampMinder account.

Last but not least, have you seen the new Ra-Mah Koreh magazine?  It’s got some great packing tips and advice for preparing for camp.  We can’t wait for camp to start in just a few days!