Perek Vav, the final structured period of the camp day, is often used for play practice for the various aidot. After each aidah has performed their play and wowed all of camp, they spend Perek Vav in different ways—as cabins, banim/banot (boys and girls programming), and as an aidah. Here are some of the things you would see around camp from 4:40-5:25 each day for Perek Vav.
4:42, Atzmayim (Tikvah Vocational Program): Twice a week, Atzmayim can be found with Deena Cowans doing fitness. In Yoga poses, running laps around the garbage trail, and stretching, Atzmayim learns valuable fitness skills that they can bring home with them at summer’s end. Today, Atzmayim had “bootcamp.” They held planks for thirty seconds, did sit ups and push ups, and stretched every part of their bodies. They broke a sweat gaining new fitness skills together.
4:46, Halutzim (Entering 6th Grade): During Perek Vav, Halutzim can usually be found in their cabins showering and relaxing after a great swim in the lake during Perek Hey. A few days this week, Halutzim has been using Perek Vav to practice for their “Cabaret,” the Hebrew musical songs they will be singing at this summer’s “No Smoking” end-of-summer slide show.
4:50, Solelim (Entering 7th Grade): From omanut (art), to nagarut (woodworking), to rikud (dance), Solelim can be found in tarbut (arts programming) during Perek Vav. With the Rikudiyah Dance Festival coming up this Saturday night, Solelim are practicing and perfecting their dance. They’re excited to show everyone what they’ve been working on for the past few weeks!
4:56, Shoafim (Entering 8th Grade): Down by the agam (lake), Shoafim swims. On an especially warm day like today, Shoafim is excited to jump into the water and develop their swimming skills. Best of all is jumping on the blob – a very popular waterfront attraction.
5:04, Bogrim (Entering 9th Grade): Now that their play is over, Bogrim has been doing a number of different activities during Perek Vav. Most days, cabins have peulot tzrif, cabin activities. This afternoon Cabin 10 enjoyed their ice cream party, something every cabin does each summer. They loved visiting the ice cream parlor in the Director’s house (it’s true!), then eating their ice cream together in a shady spot outside.
5:15, Machon and Tikvah (Entering 10th Grade and Special Needs Program): Every summer Machon and Tikvah perform their play together. During Perek Vav, Machon and Tikvah practice their play, Chanutiyah Shel Pachad, Little Shop of Horrors. With chorus signs, choreography, and solos ready, Machon and Tikvah are excited for the big performance tomorrow night!
5:23, Nivonim (Entering 11th Grade): Nivonim enjoys free time during Perek Vav, and today they spent the latter part of the perek in the lake. They splashed each other, played catch with a water basketball, and felt some sweet relief from the sweltering sun.