WRMH, Ramah’s world famous radio station, can now be streamed from anywhere with an internet connection! Radio staff members Or Berger and Ruth Fertig help campers learn to operate the equipment and prepare on-air scripts in Hebrew and English. Campers choose music for the radio shows, learn about editing, and develop ideas for radio show projects. There’s a variety of activity every day in the radio station. A daily show in Hebrew at 9:45 am, is led by Orr Yardeni and Or Berger, two of our Mishlachat (Israeli staff members). Campers listen to this Nikayon broadcast when they’re cleaning up their cabins after breakfast. Machon spends time in the station from 10:15-11 as part of an intensive activity focused on music editing. From 12:05-12:50, Shoafim enjoys time creating their own radio shows that focus on music but can include their own commentary; Bogrim does the same from 3:45-4:30. During free time for campers, Perek Zayin (from 5:35-7), campers can have their own special radio show projects. WRMH-based Peulot Erev (nighttime activities) and Yishunim (bedtime stories) sometimes happen too! Check out and listen to our radio station here!*
*Please note that this link only worked during the summer of 2014.