
DSC_0523They’ve unpacked, settled in, and already our Ruach Ramah campers are making meaningful new friendships! They’ve had a full day of camp activities, everything from omanut (art), to sport, to Hebrew games. This morning, Ruach Ramah started the day with a hearty breakfast of yogurt, fruit, and chocolate chip pancakes. The chadar (dining hall) was filled with bright faces, everyone ready for the fun day ahead. In t’fillah (prayer), talented songleader and division head Josh Warshawsky led a musical service. Singing everything from a familiar modeh ani to learning a new yaaseh shalom, the campers were all engaged, clapping and singing along with Josh’s guitar.


For today and tomorrow, Ruach Ramah will get to experience a number of different sport activities. They played knockout and around the world in basketball, played a game of floor hockey, played catch with baseball gloves, and various relay races using soccer balls. All over the sports fields, Ruach Ramah campers were enjoying a taste of the camp sports program—learning new skills and having a fun time playing the games they love.


Afterwards, the campers split up into smaller groups to rotate through a sampling of arts programming.  In Shirah (singing), campers were instructed  to get up and run around the room, filling the space with sound.  Staff member Brandon Less encouraged the campers to sing loudly and with enthusiasm and make the most of their time together at camp.  He then taught them a new camp song this summer (written by Josh Warshawsky), “Kol B’Ramah Nishmah,” “A Voice is Heard at Ramah.”


In rikud, campers learned a number of Israeli dances.  Across the way in omanut, campers dipped paintbrushes into water, using water color to make rainbow-colored pictures. In another room, a different group of Ruach Ramah campers were having a blast playing drama games. 

In groups, the Ruach Ramah campers played various Hebrew games. They learned how to say, “gam li” (“I also have”), and “gam ani” (“me too”), using the opening phrases to get to know each other. One camper stood in the middle of the circle, stating, “My favorite color is purple.” Multiple hands shot up with, “gam ani!” Some moments later, they sat down to play a Hebrew memory game.  Everyone learned a few new Hebrew words today.


Devouring sloppy joes, soup, salad, curly fries, and pasta, Ruach Ramah had lunch as an aidah (division), before their rest hour, shaat menucha. They sat on their beds reading, writing home, listening to music, and napping; it was a much needed rest from the busy and fun day. In the afternoon, after rotating through more activities, campers heard about swimming and waterfront fun at camp.  Since it was raining at that point, the campers created and performed skits demonstrating all of the different opportunities they will hopefully get to have tomorrow in the lake—from jumping on the blob, to playing water-quidditch, to water-basketball. 

Even though they arrived just 24 hours ago, Ruach Ramah has already enjoyed so much of the camp experience!  After dinner tonight they’ll enjoy an evening program and hear bedtime stories from senior staff members.  We all look forward to another fun day at camp tomorrow!