
DSC_0534 A group of tzevet (staff) gathered on the basketball courts in a huddle surrounding half of the court. After the Zimriyah Sunday night, staff came together for Ligat Ha’al (staff basketball tournament), where visiting NBA players Kenny Battle and Jeff Sanders watched staff play.  When it was over, one counselor, Josh “Gingi” Aaronson challenged Kenny Battle to a game of one-on-one. Kenny Battle, at almost 50-years-old, retired, and in flip-flops, dominated the game. Barely playing defense, mostly scoring baskets, Kenny scored a total of eight points while Gingi got a modest three. The staff who were watching cheered Gingi on as he tried to fake Kenny out and maneuver his much smaller frame around the former professional basketball player.

IMG_9050This morning, the campers had their chance to play the pros. Everyone in camp sat in a U-shape around one of the basketball courts. Two girls and two boys from each aidah lined up for a game of knockout. Eventually, Rosh Aidah Adina Allen and Director Jacob Cytryn joined the game. Soon after, Kenny and Jeff entered the court, playing the five campers, Adina, and Jacob who were left in the competition. Bogrim camper Max P. dominated the game, shooting baskets that eliminated both Kenny and then Jeff. It was down to Adina and Max, they ran back and forth shooting basket after basket, until finally Max scored over Adina. Max can say he both beat his former Rosh Aidah and two retired-NBA players!