
ivrit The sports fields look pristine, the wood in nagarut (woodworking) is ready to be cut, and our counselors have begun creating programs for their campers this summer. So much has been done in the past week to prepare for our campers’ arrivals tomorrow!

With everything from learning how best to program for our campers, to a restful and moving Shabbat, to staff peulot erev (evening programs), camp has been bustling and breathtaking this week. Here are a few of our staff member’s highlights from the past week:

Ariel Goodman, Nivonim Counselor: Friday night services were held in the teatron, the small theater, and were extremely beautiful. The davening was very spirited and it was the first time all week that we had a break to come together and start Shabbat. It set a nice tone for the beginning of camp. It was also really cool to see the staff siblings sitting together; my brother is on staff for the first time and it was really nice getting to sit next to him.

Jackie Rubinoff, Sport Staff: My favorite part of this week was the staff talent show. The MC’s made me laugh until I cried.

Daniel Olson, Rosh Atzmayim (Tikvah Vocational Program): On Friday afternoon Atzmayim staff invited graduates of Atzmayim – Austin Weilansky, Tyler Kavanaugh, and Jacob Rebnord – to share some of their experiences from when they were in Atzmayim. Their knowledge and perspective was very appreciated by this year’s staff. It was important for us to learn how to create as successful a program as possible using the amazing human resources we have in camp.

Bini Allen, Nagarut (woodworking) Staff: My favorite part of staff week was becoming acclimated to Staff dressed in their finest before Kabbalat Shabbatbeing a counselor and not a camper. I’ve really liked meeting older staff members and getting advice from them.

Hagar Messer, Omanut (Art) Staff: My favorite part of this week was Kabbalat Shabbat. I don’t usually do Kabbalat Shabbat with my family, and the singing was very moving; I’ve never experienced it before. I can’t wait for next Shabbat!

Eric Lawrence,Yahadut (Judaic Studies) Staff: I’ve loved the healthy food!

Natalie Cabell, Programming Assistant: My favorite part of this week was learning how to do everything without the chaos and excitement of lots of campers. I’m very excited for my campers to come and spend time with them!

Elliot Slovis, Garinim Counselor: It’s been great getting the chance to come to camp and be here with people who all want to be here to work together.

Elise Heisler, Kochavim Counselor: Especially with our Rosh Aidah, Josh Warshawsky, it’s been really nice learning the fun, engaging, and catchy tunes we can sing with our campers during t’fillah (prayer) and that they can carry with them to their homes.