
jonah2014 will be Jonah Harris’s 15th summer at camp (16th if you count Ramah Israel Seminar)! He was in Rishonim for five summers, a camper for six summers (Garinim and Kochavim didn’t exist yet) and this is his fourth summer on staff. He was a cabin counselor one summer, on nagarut staff one summer, and this is his second summer as Rosh Nagarut. Currently a junior studying civil engineering at Tufts University in Boston, Jonah is originally form Highland Park, Illinois. His favorite thing about camp is Kabbalat Shabbat by the lake with the whole camp together, but a close second is helping to build the play plaques that decorate the walls of the Bet Am. He’s looking forward to seeing all the new ideas and projects campers create this summer. He is especially excited about new projects for the Nivonim interns. We’ll look forward to hearing more about it!